And See What's On The Slab


I see you shiver with anticip-

HI. I will stop doing bits for 5 minutes to make some kind of an introduction for my blog.

I'm a huge nerd (in this web community? shocker!) so, apparently dissatisfied with only being a nerd at my regular job, I'm keen to have a space for longer-form writing on things that I'm not paid to think about. This is it.

I love having the "!!!" feeling happen in the brain when I finish (or get mid-way through) reading something good that I want to put into conversation with one of up to 4 other books I might have on the go, but it makes me want to chew walls if I don't do anything with it. Hopefully this will be a good outlet. Hopefully, it'll also save my nearest and dearest from the agony of letting me try to summarise things verbally; I am Not a skilled extemporiser.